Our journey
Danny Copeland is the founder and president of COGI Athletic Company, the creator of the Champion's Certification, and a Super Bowl XXVI Champion. He started his training career as a client of the Egoscue Therapy, Health, and Education Clinic, learning to combat chronic pain through exercise. Later, he became a certified fitness trainer through the National Strength Professionals Association (NSPA). Based on his varied experiences, he melded what he considered the best therapy principles and cutting-edge training applications to apply to his practice as a fitness trainer. Eventually, Danny Copeland became a sought-after presenter for speed and athletic development clinics. In 2007, he began researching popular programs and educating other trainers on incorporating safety and rehab principles into training for different populations. In 2008, he developed the first training manual for COGI Athletic trainers, "COGI Certifications." By 2013, he and his training team had assisted athletes in earning scholarships to over 60 colleges and universities.
His former student-athletes became NFL, NBA, and MLB draft choices. They have won multiple NCAA national championship titles in baseball, football, softball, and equestrian riding. Additionally, they have won individual national championships, PGA tour events, major equestrian events, high school soccer, tennis, swimming, kayaking, cross country, and track state championships.
Many of our certified trainers have become Master's and Ph.D. holders, physical therapists, and Division 1 college strength coaches. Student trainees are now physicians, psychologists, physical therapists, and state champion coaches.
Learn more about Danny's story.
Champions Certifications...
Over the years, the first training manual evolved to become Champions Certifications.
Champions Certifications is part of the parent company, COGI Athletic Company, which stands for Children of Godly Inheritance. As a branch of the COGI, Champions Certifications endeavors to equip training professionals and coaches with education that is backed by science and resources for their service in the physical coaching space while exemplifying what it means to be COGI. We believe it is indicative of who we are and whose we are.
The vision of Champions Certifications is to develop more champion trainers: professionals with the knowledge, wisdom, and discipline necessary to produce more CHAMPIONS.
Learn about the meaning behind the name.